Are You the Executor of a Will Involving Jewelry?

selling inherited jewelry
Selling inherited estate jewelry can be a difficult process, especially if you’re the executor of the estate. In addition to the emotional aspects of mourning your loved one, you now have to figure out what to do with their belongings, understand the legal ramifications of selling the estate and deal with family members who all have different ideas about how the estate should be divvied up.
As the executor or inheritor of an estate, you have the right to sell your jewelry. You also have the responsibility to make sure that the sale is handled ethically and respectfully. That’s where an experienced estate jewelry buyer can help.

Legal Concerns

Legal experts note that there are three ways to divide inherited jewelry among heirs.

According to the will. If the deceased left specific directions about who should inherit a particular piece of jewelry, you have to follow that directive. If Aunt Emma’s will states clearly that she wants her daughter Sally to have her emerald pendant, only Sally can receive that pendant and only Sally can decide if she’s going to sell it. Most wills, however, are not this clear for every item.

Dividing by value. If no specific instructions were left, the jewelry should be appraised and each heir should receive an equivalent share of the total amount. For instance, if there are four heirs and the jewelry is valued at a total of $1000, each heir should receive $250 worth of jewelry (or that much cash if the jewelry is sold). As the executor, you can decide who gets what to make up the total.

Dividing by request. If one person requests a specific piece of jewelry and the will does not specify who should receive it, you can distribute the jewelry that way, but only if the other heirs receive jewelry valued in equal amounts. Let’s say your cousin Janice says that your mother “always wanted” her to inherit your mother’s gold earrings. Your mother’s earrings are valued at $500. You can give the earrings to Janice, but each heir must also receive jewelry valued at $500.

Your Rights as an Executor

All of this can get complicated. It can also lead to family squabbling about who said what, how much something is worth, sentimental versus financial value and a whole mess of other issues.

As the executor, you have the right to make the final decision about whether to sell and who gets what, as long as each heir receives the same monetary value.

It’s clear that the first step that needs to happen is to find out exactly how much the estate jewelry is worth. After that, you can start the process of dividing and distributing the proceeds. As an executor, your job will be much easier once you find a jewelry appraiser who is trustworthy, experienced and able to handle this delicate matter with discretion.


selling estate jewelry


Jewelry Appraisal Services

To get the most benefit from your estate jewelry appraisals, follow these guidelines to make the process as smooth and stress-free as possible.

1. Be realistic.

We’ve all heard stories about people who thought they were holding onto something that was a valuable antique or a rare gem, only to discover that it was a reproduction that was not worth that much.

According to Patrick O’Brien, the CEO of, a company that assists executors of estates, most people overestimate the value of jewelry that they inherit.

“When it comes time to appraise any jewelry, as executor you should hire a trusted professional jeweler,” O’Brien advises. “The jeweler will be able to identify not only the type of gem or metal but also the condition and age, which all contribute to the value.”

With that said, certain items, including estate period jewelry, pre-conflict diamonds and luxury timepieces, can still command excellent prices from buyers.

2. Work with a jewelry appraiser that has a large network of buyers.

Jewelry appraisal is just the start. Once you determine how much the estate is worth, you want to sell your jewelry quickly, get the proceeds and divide them, and move on with your life.

Don’t let this process drag on. It will wear you and your family out. An estate jewelry buyer who has an established reputation in the community usually has a large network of buyers looking for exactly the type of items that you’re selling. Take advantage of that network to ensure that your jewelry gets sold quickly and at the best possible price.

3. Tune out the family chorus.

Your family members may have their own ideas about what something is worth, but they are not experts in jewelry appraisal. If you have found a professional estate buyer that you can trust, rely on their judgment and let them do their job.


selling estate jewelry


Finding an Atlanta Estate Jewelry Appraiser

If you’re looking for the best jewelry appraiser in Atlanta, we invite you to call or visit our showroom. We are a family business that is American-owned and operated, with a solid reputation for honesty, integrity and trustworthiness.

Read on and discover why Verma Jewelry is your best choice for an Atlanta estate jewelry buyer.

1. We have the experience.

Verma Jewelry is the most experienced estate jewelry appraiser in Atlanta, with the ability to appraise an estate and have it ready to sell within a week. We also take care of the property division details so that you won’t have that headache. Verma Jewelry works with small estates that consist of one or two pieces, and we work with huge, multi-family estates involving thousands of jewelry items.

We are the largest-volume Atlanta jewelry appraiser. We are also one of the top diamond jewelry buyers in Atlanta. Yet we deal with each customer on a personal, one-on-one basis that will never make you feel that you’re just a number to us.

2. We have the buyers.

Our huge network of specialty resellers, jewelry dealers and individual buyers ensures that your items will sell quickly and at a fair price. We are highly regarded in the industry as authorities in estate jewelry appraisals. Our dealers and buyers know they can trust us to find beautiful, in-demand jewelry items.

We know which dealers and buyers are ready to buy and we know what they’re looking for, whether it’s estate period jewelry, luxury timepieces, modern jewelry or vintage gemstones.

3. We have a sterling reputation.

Our American-owned and operated business has been in our family for over 100 years. Over that time, we have built a reputation for trustworthiness and integrity among our buyers, customers and dealers that is second to none.

We will not do anything to compromise our standing and reputation in this profession. You can count on us to handle your sale with discretion and the utmost regard for your privacy. We will show you why we are the most trusted estate jewelry appraiser in Atlanta.

4. We are one of the top diamond jewelry buyers in Atlanta.

Many people believe that it’s not worth it to sell vintage or inherited diamonds because they depreciate too much. We prove that wrong every day by selling estate diamonds at prices that may surprise you. Currently, there is renewed interest in older, pre-conflict diamonds and our jewelry appraisal services can let you know exactly what those older diamonds are worth.

5. We value your privacy as much as you do.

As experienced estate agents, we understand the emotional and privacy concerns that you have when selling inherited jewelry. We know that this is a difficult, sensitive time and we take your concerns seriously.

At every step of the process, we will guard your privacy. Our office is a safe, discreet place to meet and our employees will strictly safeguard your confidentiality.


Call the Top Atlanta Estate Jewelry Buyer

When it’s time to sell and settle an estate, it’s time to work with the most experienced and the most trusted estate jewelry appraiser in Atlanta. If you’re the executor of a will that involves inherited jewelry, make it easy on yourself and everyone involved by working with us.

Call Verma Jewelry today at 404-995-6782 and make an appointment for a consultation. You can also email us at or use our online form to schedule an appointment. We look forward to meeting you and to showing you why we are the best jewelry appraiser in Atlanta.



selling estate jewelry



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